Wednesday 8 November 2023

Is AI a friend or a foe?


It is apparent that  AI and different technologies are becoming prevalent in all spheres of life, especially in education. Nowadays AI is introducing new tools to the educational environment that can transform conventional teaching and learning process. AI has so many potential uses in education, including improving productivity, instant feedback, student engagement etc.

In my teaching process, I use quillbot which is very practical tool that helps to improve my piece of writing and also checking my students work. This tool counts the words in writing and indicates grammar, vocabulary errors quickly. As an English teacher I find checking students writing as the most time-consuming task. Instead of spending too much time on checking grammar mistakes I focus on more important activities like lesson planning and student support. Furthermore, Quillbot suggests wide range of vocabulary to change in the any piece of writing. I write them down on students’ writing and we discuss the word choice and the meaning of the synonyms, their distinct features, too. According to Zheng (et al. 2021) the usage of AIEd technologies in pedagogical approaches is often interconnected and should be integrated to optimize learning efficiency and effectiveness.

For my studies, I use Grammarly which is a generative AI. This tool helps me by many ways. For instance, I use this tool for paraphrasing and getting new ideas about the topic that I am working on. Furthermore, I check essays for grammar errors.

But of course, there are some problems associated with implementing AI technologies in teaching and learning. First of all, students may use AI to do their homework, including math problems or writing essays. This can cause reliance on technology and learners loose their own voice when it comes to writing essays. Even for the simple tasks they try to use AI. It is human nature that we always try to find easy ways. But if technology is used balanced for the right purposes there is nothing to worry about.

I also enclosed our group discussion about AI and CHATGPT on padlet.

Zheng, L., Niu, J., Zhong, L., & Gyasi, J. F. (2021). The effectiveness of artificial intelligence on learning achievement and learning perception: A meta-analysis. Interactive Learning Environments. Accessed online:  [3 November 2023]Available from:




  1. Do you use paid version of Grammarly? Free version has limitations.

  2. It's absolutely true that tools like ChatGPT are great assistance for writing essays. However, they can cause problems to critical thinking and creativity.


Video (

In this video, I demonstrate how to use, a practical tool for both online and traditional classrooms. I guide you through the...